Saturday, November 30, 2013

Alternative Energy Presentations

Presenting on Biofuel Energy
Presenting on Wind Energy
 Presenting on Solar Energy
Presenting on Geothermal Energy
Presenting on Hydroelectric Energy
The "City Council" took notes and asked questions to the presenters. 

Galveston Bay Art Contest Winner

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"What Happened Before?" Lab

The "fossils" are buried and ready to be uncovered. 
The students are pulling out their fossils to study them.
They had to figure out what micro-organism it used to be and what rock type it was found in.

Sci. Project Due 12-13-13

The students are to choose any 3 products to complete. They can select their choices in any tic-tac-toe formation. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Formation of Fossil Fuels Lab

Before Pressure was added...
Applying "Heat and Pressure"
After "heat and pressure," we have our example of these rock layers: Coal, Sandstone, Shale, and Sand.